Half Term Information Spring 1 2025

This term has been super busy for our Year 1s! We have been learning all about London for our topic. We can now give you a lovely guided tour around London with all the facts we have learn about the landmarks. To celebrate the children’s learning we hosted a London WOW day, where children made scones, wrote postcards, made crowns, before finally practicing their yoga poses.  In science we have been learning about materials and the suitability for different uses.

Maths has been doubly exciting this term, as we have been learning all about doubles, using number lines to find one more and one less and securing our understanding of numbers to 20.

Children’s comments about their learning:


"The London day was the best day."


"The London Eye is as tall as 32 double decker buses!"


"Double 2 is 4 and double 4 is 8."


"Spider’ is my favourite yoga pose."