Half term information Autumn 1 2024

All of our Year 2’s have worked extremely hard this half term. We just want to say a massive WELL DONE to them all for starting the year with such wonderful effort and enthusiasm. We have been learning throughout the topic ‘From Farm to Fork’ this half term, with a focus on where our food comes from. We learned about the different types of farms (arable, dairy and livestock) and what type of produce we can get from these farms. We have developed our map making skills and created our own map of a farm using a key!

In science, we have been learning about animals, including humans. We have looked at the life cycle of a chick, frog and butterfly and have learned the meaning of a very long word… metamorphosis! We have enjoyed learning about what animals and humans need to survive and had a very lively debate about what came first, the chicken or the egg? What do you think?

In DT, we have had great fun researching different types of bread and choosing our favourite. We then designed, made and (most importantly!) tasted our own vegetarian sandwich. They were delicious!

This half term has also included Art Week, in preparation for our school Art gallery after half term. We have thoroughly enjoyed studying artists who use food and nature within their works and we have had great fun replicating them!

Children’s comments about their learning:


“A life cycle is a circle that keeps going and going.”


“I loved making my own sandwich!”

Useful website links to continue learning at home:
https://www.letterjoin.co.uk/ (username: lj2478 password: home)