Half Term Information Spring 1 2025

This half term, we have been learning about the topic ‘A Chinese Odyssey’.  This has involved learning about traditional folk tales such as the Goddess of the Silkworm and Lao Lao of Dragon Mountain.  As well as reading stories and interpreting them, we had a go at writing our own version that included a Chinese dragon and took place in the exciting setting of the Great Wall of China.  It was really exciting to see the children’s imaginations run wild on the page. 
In Art, we designed, made and painted a Terracotta army out of clay and found inspiration to make our own Blue Willow China plate designs.
In Music, we learned the song Living on a prayer by Bon Jovi and created our own accompanying rhythms using a variety of instruments. 
In Maths, we looked more at fractions and found out how to multiply them by whole numbers.  We also learnt how to multiply large numbers together using different methods and dividing large numbers by a one or two-digit number using the short-division method.  We have continued to practice our times tables by singing songs and encourage all children to continue to practice their times tables at home using TTRS as this underpins so much of our learning in Year 5 and 6.
In Science, we have been looking at changes of materials. This included investigating reversible changes using heat, sieves and filters as well as using irreversible changes to create our own bath bombs!