Half Term Information Spring 1 2025

This half term, aligned with our main topic ‘crime and punishment’, we stepped into the world of Robin Hood, learning about some of the adventures of the legendary character. We began by evaluating whether Robin was a hero or villain, finding evidence from the text to back up our opinions. After this, we spent time exploring several tales and created our own comic strip versions of one. The adventures of Robin and his ‘Merry Men’, led us to write our own tales based in the heart of Sherwood Forest. Other written pieces for the topic included the creation of an information board all about Sherwood Forest writing balanced arguments.

The children have enjoyed learning about sustainable houses in DT, beginning with a walk to Cambourne West to see how houses are built and which features they include to comply with every changing standards. They then designed and made their own scaled houses, referring back to their learning in maths about ratio. Finally they peer reviewed and self-reflected on their builds, suggesting areas for improvement in the future.

In maths, the unit on ratio gave us the opportunity to explore other areas of the maths curriculum, namely area and perimeter. During our algebra unit we explored how to make algebraic expressions and how to solve algebraic equations.

Quotes from children:

“I enjoyed learning about the environment in science because it is interesting.” - Lexi


“I enjoyed topic, the crime and punishment, because it was really fun.” – Evie


“I liked computing because it was very fun making the adventure stories. It was fun trying to make them interactive like video games.” – Ben


“I liked the DT, making energy efficient houses, because you’re learning about energy efficiency as well as making stuff.” – Ava


“I enjoyed maths with algebra because it meant that I could express how much I like it and be able to use it.” – Athena


“I liked PSHE because I like to understand my feelings when I have a conflict with someone.” – Lacey-May


“I loved English, especially writing our own legend, because it gives us a chance to express ourselves through writing. I also really love DT because it reflects on a building career, helping us to get creative.” – Leila


“I enjoyed building the houses in DT because I found it really immersive and fascinating to find out what houses are really made of and what is inside an actual building.” – Arthur

Useful website links to continue learning at home:


Useful website links to continue learning at home SPAG definitions:


BBC SPAG: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zhrrd2p


SATs information websites:

Help for parents: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/534658/Information_for_parents_-_2016_NCT_results_at_the_end_of_key_stage_2.pdf

Spelling rules: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/239784/English_Appendix_1_-_Spelling.pdf

Grammar appendix: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/335190/English_Appendix_2_-_Vocabulary_grammar_and_punctuation.pdf