Half Term Information Autumn 2 2024

This term we have immersed ourselves in all things South America. In English, we have read 'The Great Kapok Tree' and we have written some rhyming poems. The children thoroughly enjoyed our second text 'The Explorer', wondering what would happen to a group of children who were lost in the Amazon Rainforest. We have written amazing descriptive pieces, taken inspiration from the authors' use of personification and the excellent vocabulary found in the book. 
During our topic lessons, we learnt the countries and capital cities in South America, looked at physical and human geography of the continent and also studied the trade in the different countries. 
We have continued to embrace the wonderful teaching resource Power Maths this half-term. The children have really enjoyed getting immersed into the world of fractions. In Science we have been studying properties and changes of materials, including dissolving, separating materials and irreversible changes. This included testing how different coverings effected the speed which water cools. PSHE involved learning about our emotions, how to recognise different emotions in ourselves and others and self care strategies. 
This half term we also took part in some exciting water workshops provided by Cambridge water. We learnt about river basins and discussed water saving ideas. You can head to their website to make a pledge to save water at home.