
Writing at Monkfield Park

Early Writing:

In Reception and Year 1 writing skills are taught through Read Write Inc. Phonics sessions and also through cross-curricular lessons such as Science and History. This is to ensure coverage of both the EYFS and Year 1 writing curriculum. Some Year 2 pupils may also follow this same structure.


Writing Units:

From Year 2 to Year 6, pupils follow an immersive journey, where they will study a variety of writing text types and genres, for a range of purposes within daily English lessons.


Writing Weeks:

Once a term, for the duration of a week, classes across the school partake in a writing week (in Reception this is subject to discretion of class teachers during the autumn term). During this week, each class studies the same text to produce a range of different outcomes at the end of the week. We might study Michael Rosen’s ‘Chocolate Cake’, with the outcome of a funny food poem in Year 1, a recipe set of instructions in Year 3 and a letter persuading a parent to make a cake in Year 5!


Individualised Writing Progress:

We recognise that every child is an individual and following their own learning journey. As such, we have incorporated the Herts for Learning hexagon writing targets, alongside Alan Peat sentence types, into our writing curriculum. Tailored use of these writing tools allows us to provide individualised support for each child.



Spellings at Monkfield Park are taught through the No Nonsense Spelling Programme in conjunction with the Purple Mash Spelling Scheme of Work.



Handwriting is taught alongside the Letter-Join, print to cursive, programme.


Writing at Home:

To help provide some inspiration for writing at home, teachers share a Homework Grid at the start of each half term, outlining Topic related writing opportunities. It is amazing the difference a little bit of writing each week at home can make over the course of a year!