What is Prevent?

From 1 July 2015 all schools and registered early years childcare providers are subject to a duty under section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015.  In this duty we have an obligation to demonstrate “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”. This duty is known as the Prevent duty.

The duty is intended to help schools and childcare providers think about what they can do to protect children from the risk of radicalisation and suggests how they can access support to do this. It reflects actions that many schools and childcare providers will already be taking to protect children from this risk.

Our school provides a parent pamphlet to help them understand the duty and also produces a risk assessment which is re-visited regularly and updated accordingly.  The Prevent Lead for the school and the Care and Learning Centre is the Acting Head teacher - Mrs Howell.
The priorities for the school at the present time are:
-to ensure that a risk assessment is in place and that this is regularly reviewed by senior staff and shared with staff at the school
-to ensure that staff and governors have a good awareness of the duty and that they consider this in their strategic and day to day work
-to ensure that staff across the school are appropriately trained in recognising and knowing how to relay concerns about radicalisation and extremism
-to communicate a clear view to the Monkfield Park community about how we are able to support the Prevent Duty
-ensure that children who attend Monkfield Park feel safe and that they have people to talk to if they have concerns
-to promote a cohesive society with shared values.
The parent pamphlet below contains information for parents and carers about how the school is tackling this issue.  The school holds a risk assessment around PREVENT.