Half term information Autumn 1 2023

This term Year 5 have been immersed in their main topic of Space, which the children have found really enjoyable. We have incorporated space into as much of our learning as possible with topic lessons covering the history of space travel, Science lessons focusing on the different aspects of our solar system and Guided Reading sessions using stories and non-fiction text about space. In DT the children learned how cams work and collaboratively created moon buggies, which they then reviewed.

In English, our writing has been based on the fantastic text Cosmic by Frank Cottrell-Boyce, a funny book which all of the children thoroughly enjoyed, whilst non-fiction writing has included a newspaper report linked to the book and a biography of a female astronaut.

We started the school year with an RE topic based on our learning about Hinduism. We thought about some of the special festivals, such as Holi, and considered why some Hindus worship at both a Mandir and at home. For our PSHE learning this half term we have been covering the our friends and family unit in Year 5.

We also spent time creating space themed prints for the Art Gallery, which children found surprisingly challenging. It was lovely to see how carefully they worked at building up the different layers of their prints

Children’s comments about their learning:


"DT was really fun because when we were creating the moon buggies everyone used unique designs and got to test them out”- Sebastian


“I liked doing the work for Art week, I liked that we got to join our topic learning with the our art learning”- Nadia


“I really enjoyed the opportunity to do lots of scientific research and we were also able to design our own planets”- Parichaya


Useful website links to continue learning at home:





